The We Love Doggos Charity is built around a single mission; to make the world a better place for dogs. Just as important, we also work hand-in-hand with our community members, in the field and on special missions, projects and on behalf of individual, at-risk dogs through our “Hero Club”.
MISSION: Viva Los Doggos!
Our mission was to join a team of doggo lovers and rescue PAWTners on a daring expedition to Ensenada, Mexico. Our objective was clear: to ensure the health and 250+ of dogs by vaccinating them against life threatening disease. This operation was codenamed “Mission PAWsible: Atiende al Perro.”
Atiende al Perro is “take care of the dog” en Español. And, boy oh boy, we did. We partnered with two incredible non-profit dog rescues: The Animal Pad (based in San Diego, California) and Los Adoptables (based in Ensenada, Mexico). We crossed the Mexican border from San Diego with countless medications, dog treats, and 10 full-sized rotisserie chickens to desensitize and entice to street doggos in order to administer the vaccines. It was a team effort, but together, we knew what we had to do. We worked diligently, and even picked up a few strays in need of immediate care. One pregnant doggo, formally named Pizza, even hopped in the van to travel home to San Diego to have her babies in a safe location.
After a trying 14-hour day in the remote hills of Ensenada, we had achieved adequate success. Over 250 doggos that we encountered had been administered the necessary medications, however, we could have used 250 more doses…the number of doggos in need was immense. We headed back to Los Adoptables to debrief as a crew, and grabbed 8 more doggos for transit into the USA.
One notable doggo was Catalina; a smooshy face snuggle bug who cuddled the We Love Doggos volunteer team the entire car ride back into the states. This mission was fraught with challenges, but the reward was immeasurable. Saving the lives of countless dogs in Mexico and preventing the spread of deadly diseases was the ultimate goal. While we feel that we left behind a healthier, safer dog population, we feel that there is more work to be done. We will return with more medical supplies and chicken ASAP.
MISSION: Operation PUPavillion
Our mission was to lead a team of dedicated volunteers and builders on a covert mission to provide shelter and comfort to the canine inhabitants of Tobacco Valley Animal Shelter (Eureka, Montana) in dire need. Our mission is to construct a state-of-the-art Gazebo for Dogs, codenamed "Operation PUPavilion," to shield these innocent animals from the scorching summer sun and harsh Montana winters.
We began by conducting a site assessment to gather critical information on the shelter's layout to select optimal size and location for the gazebo. We presented this information to our Hero Club community of donors, and the mission was a-go. We gathered a team of volunteers and We Love Doggos Charity team members and drove to Eureka, Montana, in 90-degree heat to build the structure. There were some occasional prying doggos in the shelter’s backyard; you could see the anticipation in their eyes for solace form the hot summer day. It took the team 3 total visits, but the end result was everything Tobacco Valley Animal Shelter had hoped for and more.
Operation PUPavilion was not just about building a gazebo; it was about providing a safe and comfortable space for our four-legged friends in need. Our Hero Club’s dedication to this mission will ensure that these dogs find solace from the elements and experience the care and compassion they deserve. To commemorate our community’s dedication, we have placed a plaque in honor of our Hero Club members inside the gazebo. While the mission was covert, the humans and doggos shaded by the gazebo will know We Love Doggos for years to come.
MISSION: Huck's Heroes
Our mission was to orchestrate an engaging raffle fundraiser to provide a lifeline of support for The Animal Pad, rescue PAWrtners in San Diego, California. They needed help in the care of 380+ doggos that they saved from a hoarding situation down in Mexico. Their needs were extensive, but there was a deeper meaning for the team behind the scenes at We Love Doggos Charity. The raffle operation was intended to honor a Brand AmbassaDOG who left pawprints on our hearts, Huckleberry. Huckleberry was a special needs doggo with spina bifida than many would have cast aside. But the founder of We Love Doggos Charity, Terry Williamson, took a chance on him and gave him his own set of wheels and a new outlook on life.
OBJECTIVE: The We Love Doggos Charity team began by infiltrating our local and online communities to gain widespread support for the raffle and the paws behind the cause.
We worked to ensure that the event wasn’t just about winning; it was about every single dog we could help in Huck’s honor after he crossed the rainbow bridge. Once we gathered top of the line prizes, we employed cutting-edge technology for ticket sales, tracking, and finally, selecting winners at random. We watched and waited for the participants’ contributions to roll in…
The community involvement in this critical mission was boundless. Terry Williamson himself hopped on Facebook Live to announce the winners and share more about the cause. He then hand-delivered a check to the Animal Pad in San Diego and evaluated how we could continue to help this dire situation on a continuous basis. With the support of the We Love Doggos Charity Hero Club, we are making a monthly contribution per month to sponsor doggos in their care. This ongoing contribution will serve as a much-needed financial boost to the rescue organization and the doggos that need it most. Thank you all of Huck’s Heroes who participated, and congratulations to all of the winners!
MISSION: Freedom Ride
Our mission this go round was to unite our charity partners! We teamed up with our original partners, The Underdog Railroad Transport, to bring a group of 17 doggos in need from an overcapacity shelter in Northern California over to our affiliate rescue partners in Eureka, Montana, Tobacco Valley Animal Shelter. The ultimate goal was to get these doggos out of harms way and into temPAWrary no-kill animal shelters so that they would have the best chance at finding their FURever homes. This mission was codenamed: Operation Safe Haven.
OBJECTIVE: The first step was to collaborate with the transport group, Underdog Railroad, to study the passenger list of dogs being transported. They identify dogs in high-kill shelters and pull the ones at risk in the coming days…it is a truly valiant effort on their behalf.
On an ongoing basis, We Love Charity provides their non-profit with a monthly sponsorship to cover vital transport needs like dog food, medication, and gas expenses. But this time, our support was even more hands on.
We worked with Tobacco Valley Animal Shelter to set the arrival date to unload the doggos from the transport van into their safe-haven facility. Our operatives, a.k.a. the We Love Doggos Executive Director, Terry Williamson and his lovely wife Lori, traveled up to Eureka to aid in the move and ensure that each dog was greeted with love, care, and a promise of a better life. Terry said, “You could see the look in their eyes; they realized that they were going to be okay…”
After some hugs goodbye, the Underdog Railroad Transport team hit the road en route to Canada to rescue even more doggos in need. Meanwhile, our team on the ground worked with Tobacco Valley Animal Shelter to make the new shelter residents comfortable in their short-term home before being adopted. Every doggo saved becomes a success story; a testament to the dedication and bravery of our team and charity partners. These missions are PAWsible because of our communities unwavering commitment of our partners, the tireless efforts of the volunteer rescue team at Underdog Railroad Transport, and the generosity of our Hero Club members who support these life-saving initiatives. Together, we are changing the lives of doggos, one daring rescue at a time.
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We Love Doggos | All Rights Reserved
We Make The World A Better Place For Dogs!